Monday, January 19, 2009

Longer exposed M63

A combined 158min of exposure from downtown HK...

70 x 40sec + 112 x 60sec.
350D ISO800

Deepskystacker 3x drizzle enabled.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Urban M63

It's the first time I shot something outside the local group of galaxy...

40sec x 70, ISO800

It's really small, but its fun to play with this kind of stuff.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Another round of rooftop astrophotography

I'm giving up on shooting nebulosity in urban areas... But it doesn't mean I'm giving up deepsky shooting in urban areas.

I'm trying to do something new when weather cooperates. Perhaps better results could be achieved by shooting distant galaxies? They are much more point like than extended nebulsity, so should I expect better results than shooting M42 and horsehead nebula?

I realized in the previous 2-hour M42 shot the limiting magnitude of stars can go down to 13-14th... it's just an estimation because I have no reliable starmap that goes down that deep available. I hope shooting galaxies around 10th mag wouldn't be a problem.

Also I hope 405mm wouldn't be too short for galaxies like that. And this thought reminds me of my previous plan of getting a 6" F5 reflector.